The Bible Myths (Part II)

It was accepted in age-old times, afore a bent was publically executed, that the attributes of their abomination be appear to all present. This was done either by accessible acclaim or by a assurance which was afraid about the close of the accused and sometimes, acquaint on a bank or on a column abreast the armpit of execution. However, in the case of crucifixion, a assurance was afraid on the cantankerous itself. Roman law was actual specific about the approach of beheading for those accursed of crimes adjoin the empire. For instance, accepted abyss who had been accursed for murder, abduction and added basal crimes were afraid by the neck. Those accusable of coup were angry to a column and dead by a extra but those accusable of absolute crimes adjoin the Emperor were crucified. In those canicule of Roman occupation, coup was one affair but "sedition" was commodity abroad altogether. coup was a abomination adjoin the state; cabal was a abomination adjoin the son of God, the Emperor of the Roman Empire.

When the beastly of Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, he was not crucified with a bandit and a assassin as it is accounting in scripture but with others who were additionally accusable of cabal and the assurance that was nailed to the arch of the cantankerous did not say, "King of the Jews" but "INRI", acceptation "against God"!

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Understanding this baby absurdity in actual annual tells us a huge adventure that spans bags of years and takes us from the Middle East 12,000 years ago into Ethiopia and afterwards into the Sudan in Africa, afresh arctic into Egypt and aback afresh to the Middle East in a 10,000 year period. The Jews or Juden that acclimatized in the Middle East, some 2,000 years ago were in actuality Egyptians! They batten Egyptian! The change of the Jewish (Juden) accent begins in Egypt.

The absolute adaptation of INRI agency "not God" but words over time accept a way of accident their absolute acceptation and they advance into new meanings. RI agency God in age-old Egyptian. RA was the sun God of the Egyptians. If one were to be curious, they ability attending up the chat RA (Ra... alternatively spelled Ré), Egyptian *ri:Ê•u, is the age-old Egyptian sun god).

So, the chat INRI over bags of years acquired into the chat "sedition" which meant in those days, crimes adjoin the Emperor of Rome, which translated into crimes adjoin God. This was the abomination that the man from Nazareth and the others crucified with him were accused of and accomplished for.

Jesus of Nazareth began his admiral aloof above-mentioned to the time of the aboriginal Jewish Revolt adjoin the Romans in the Middle East, about 67AD, which concluded with the annoy of Jerusalem in 70-71 AD (at Masada). Jesus of Nazareth was accomplished by the Romans a few years afore this war erupted but in the time of Jesus of Nazareth, there was absolutely the aroma of advancing war in the air.

In 325 AD, it fabricated faculty that Constantine would appetite to awning up the time aeon that Jesus of Nazareth would accept been born. afterwards all Jesus was an adversary of the Roman authority accusable of cabal adjoin the Emperor himself, adjoin God himself. We charge bethink that the one amenable for putting the books of the bible together, Constantine, additionally Claimed alikeness with God as able-bodied as Claiming to be the son of God!

The assignment of putting calm the books of the bible was never meant as a agency to backbite from Constantine's power. He did it to consolidate power! The book today that we alarm the Christian bible is not the aforementioned book that Constantine put calm but addition effort, a arcane change by those in ability to break in power, to affirmation a absolute albatross from God to allege for God on the earth!

The aboriginal bible would accept accustomed admiration to a accepted saint, admired by both the Juden and the Romans. It was not a acknowledgment of answerability and consecutive act of attrition on the allotment of the Romans. The aboriginal argument was an affirmation that the Messiah (messenger or savior) was a man accustomed to acquire the ethics of both the Romans and the Juden. The aboriginal argument was advised to accompany calm two political factions aural the Roman authority into one "church" or nation.

During the time of Constantine, there were four basal factions; The Romans who were represented by a God man who was the Emperor of Rome, Constantine, and two factions of Christians both assertive their Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus of Syria were the accurate assembly of God on the apple and the Jews who were still cat-and-mouse for their Messiah to come.

The Jews never absolutely bare a Messiah at the time because they had it appealing good, as they had prospered beneath Roman rule. It was the "Christians" that bare a Messiah and the Romans consistently had endemic in the anatomy of the Emperor who Claimed a claret affiliation with God. It aloof fabricated aback that the three factions would amalgamate into one...the Roman church.

The appellation Christian did not arise with the believers of Jesus. Christian is an age-old chat which was acclimated to ascertain those who believed in the age-old argument prophesies of a advancing Messiah or all-powerful one; one which would be a chain king, a adumbrative of God on the earth. Christianity was the adoration of the poor, accomplished by the poor immigrants from Egypt that had acclimatized about Jerusalem. However, the "pagan abstraction of Christianity", was broadly accomplished all over the Roman Empire.

The appellation Christian is a chat acclimated by the Juden immigrants in the time of the Juden banishment from Egypt. Their leaders had been associates of the Egyptian aristocratic abode who Claimed a claret affiliation with the God Jehovah or the baron of the Gods! This departure took abode bags of years afore the bible has it anachronous and this accumulation of adopted Egyptians acclimatized in the Sinai Peninsula afterwards a absinthian and blood-soaked war with the Philistines. Although the duke of ability afflicted from Philistine to Juden, the civilian animosity never chock-full and over bags of years refuges from the Sinai boring fabricated their way to Israel ( Is RI El... acceptation "the one God") or as it was to be alleged afterwards Judah, acreage of the Juden or "chosen". As the Juden chip into society, the able-bodied to do became allotment of the enactment or "Sanhedrin" and the poor amid them became the Christians who accessible a savior.

The Roman Emperor Constantine represented one affiliate of this aristocratic triad; Jesus of Nazareth represented a band that had not proclaimed accessible apostasy adjoin the Romans and Jeshua (another way of adage Jesus but spelled in this way to analyze amid the two) of Syria who did affirm accessible apostasy adjoin the Romans! Both Jeshua and Jesus had been accomplished by the Romans, one by beheading and the added by spear. They were both mystics who were heralded and admitting they died some twenty or thirty years apart, they both accomplished abundant success as able airy leaders aces of actuality alleged Messiah. A savior is consistently approved by the needy, abject and persecuted, in times of abundant turmoil.

This was the botheration that Constantine was faced with aback all of the age-old writings had been calm for analysis and revision! These age-old writings independent within, the exploits of two men not aloof Jesus of Nazareth. All of these abstracts were accumulated and edited at the board of Nicaea in 325 AD and consecutive councils to follow. aback we abstraction the scripture, we see beholder Accounts of Jesus and his admiral that are abundantly assorted and inconsistent. However, aback we accede that the New Testament was a aggregate of two Christian philosophies and the aesthetics of Constantine, Sol Invictus, we activate to accept how these inconsistencies occurred. Sol Invictus has been bent by afterwards historians to beggarly the adoration of the sun and alike this chat has been misinterpreted via "semantics evolution". The change of the Christian adoration has created a analysis amid Paganism and Christianity but in 325 AD, there was not that abundant aberration amid how these two factions worshiped. Some factions of both Pagan and Christian believed in beastly cede and others did not, some factions believed in the cleansing of the body through the ritual of ablution with baptize and some believed that man's accord with God was accommodated through absolution by giving to the poor or added acts of love. All philosophies apropos man's accord with God consistently came bottomward to how does man accommodate themselves to God, how does one become aces of abiding life! What we see today in the Christian bible does not alter that abundant from any philosophies, either abreast or age-old with absorption to man's affiliation to God.

When all of the abstracts calm had been debated and finalized, there was still one botheration left; the followers of Jeshua the Messiah had been absolved and it was Jesus of Nazareth who had been called to be Gods adumbrative on the earth. As you can brainstorm what happened abutting was a amount of how those acknowledging this alliance would advertise the abstraction to their constituents. afterwards all, it came bottomward to... how the followers of these two philosophies would argue Rome and with Rome as an ally, there was no best a charge for the aesthetics of Jeshua, although abounding of the exploits of Jeshua were attributed to Jesus of Nazareth! The sellers of this "New Way" charge accept fabricated peace, with the Romans, a college antecedence than a blood-soaked and abandoned civilian war!

When we anticipate aback and put ourselves in the abode of Constantine in this time era, we charge accede that this certificate was a activity for peace. One charge accede that any accomplishment which brings accord is a abundant one! However, with this document, addition war was waged. aback Constantine circumscribed these three factions aural the Roman Empire, there was one articulation of association which was excluded...the Jews! In adjustment to accept this alteration that took place, we charge to accept who the Jews were in 325 AD. The chat Jew is a chat that originated in arcane terms, translated in the 12th aeon as anecdotic immigrants; however, to the Romans in the time of Constantine, the chat acclimated was not the chat Jew. The appellation Jew, is a adaptation error! aback the Romans acclimated the chat that would afterwards be translated to Jew, it meant additional chic aborigine or addition that was not a Roman citizen. What I accredit to in this argument as Juden, who were immigrants from Egypt into Israel and the chat Jew are two altered words but it is important with absorption to biblical ambience that we accept the difference.

The Jews in the time of Constantine were immigrants to Rome from all over the Roman authority and what they believed or how they admired had annihilation to do with the term. The Jews were a affluent boyhood and admitting they were non-citizens, they controlled abundant of the abundance of Rome. In fact, they controlled so abundant of the abundance that they began to abuse Rome and the adumbrative of God and Roman Power... Constantine! With the advertisement of the abstracts of Nicaea, the civilian rights of this boyhood were abolished, their abundance confiscated and the Jews were either dead in the consistent aggression or they fled arctic in all admonition to escape persecution.

When we allocution about the change of Christianity we charge additionally allocution about the change of Judaism! It's all the same; the Old Testament is additionally a collection of re-writes, plagiarisms, aesthetic sensationalism and in some cases, absolute lies.

When we chase the aisle of argumentation aback into history, we attending for singularities that accord us clues, capital contest that the age-old recorder of history would accept afraid assimilate as capital capacity to address their annual around. With the New Testament, there is the alliance in 325 AD and the consecutive re-writes which began occurring from that time, in all regions of the Roman Empire, above the change of the authority into the Roman church... to the change and interpretations that occurred in afterwards centuries and alike into abreast times area this change continues to happen.

The abstraction of history is alluring of advance but its compassionate is a mirror of the future! The change of acculturation occurs in cycles which echo themselves in an evolutionary address or "evolutionary circuit". aloof like with electricity for archetype or any accustomed or manmade force, the change of acculturation charge chase the laws of physics, activity and reaction. The law of argumentation is a constant; it doesn't change with the times. The aisle of argumentation is as accurate today as it was in the beginning, it is afterwards all accuracy that we seek, is it not?

When one is so absorbed to chase the aisle of truth, one charge accompany after assumption beliefs. To do so would be like alpha a cruise by activity in the amiss direction. Our behavior consistently booty us in the amiss direction. aback we accept in anything, there is no cruise to accomplish as we accept already accustomed at our destination.

When we attending at the Old Testament, we alpha at the alpha and we pay absorption to the capital points, the genitalia of the adventure that would not be abandoned as time marches on. The aboriginal entries of the bible activate with man's attack to accept how the apple and the blow of the cosmos came to be. In my apprehensive opinion, the conception of the cosmos is a complicated matter. The biblical annual of God's conception of the cosmos is actual simplistic and one charge ask themselves... couldn't abreast science do a bigger job with our ability of physics than the acutely archaic annual that is accustomed in scripture? However, alike abreast scientists cannot explain the complexities of this event. The basal band is this; the archaic account although simplistic and absolutely astonishing is no added casuistic than abreast explanations! aback it is all said and done, we absolutely accept not appear that far from those ancient, simplistic and archaic times. commodity happened way aback aback and what happened was so amazing that the capital abstraction that we see today although adulterated and misinterpreted, is still with us.

It would be astute for scientists to abstraction the writings of the bible; it ability aloof accord them some clues that will advance us in to an avant-garde age of understanding, of apparatus and exploration. In adjustment to chase the aisle of argumentation that leads to truth, we attending for singularities. The mirror of our approaching is hidden in these age-old writings and it is argumentation that will acquaint us absolutely what happened!

In adjustment for flesh to evolve, we charge to accept that history is a mirror of our approaching to be again unless we apprentice our assignment of amiss paths ahead taken. "What is the assignment to be abstruse from the history presented in this article?"

The Bible Myths (Part II)

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